“One people, one destiny”

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The region should consider food safety critical matter because food and nutritional security are the foundations of a decent life, a sound education and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, an EAC official has said.

The EAC Senior Livestock Officer Mr. Timothy Wesonga made the point when addressing food experts at the four-day East African Community Regional Workshop on Harmonization of Food Safety Measures in Africa which is taking place in Kigali, Rwanda. 

Representing the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge Productive and Social Sectors Hon Jesca Eriyo, Mr Wesonga noted that food safety is vital is for protecting human health and trade and further informed the food experts that the initiative on food safety is aimed at ensuring safe and nutritious quality food that will contribute to reducing food insecurity in the region and enable EAC products access international markets in tandem with the EAC Food Security Action Plan and the EAC Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Strategy.

The EAC official noted that as the EAC is currently implementing its Food Security Action Plan (2011-15), one of the priority areas is to improve the sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures along the food value chains.
“We believe therefore that the regional food safety measures being developed will play a leading role in ensuring improved safety food in the region.

The Partner States in Articles 108 and 118 of the EAC Treaty have committed to co-operate in the health, social and cultural fields and, in particular, in the fields of human and animal medicines, as well as food and feed safety
The workshop is a follow-up on the first workshop of food experts in Nairobi, Kenya held January this year. 

The focus of the second workshop is to improve the food safety document and ensure that all areas covered are in line with the EAC Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary (SPS) Protocol.

East African Community to launch Open Health Initiative on opening day of Conference

The Rwandan capital, Kigali, will host the 4th EAC Health and Scientific Conference and International Trade Fair & Health Exhibition that is scheduled to take place from Wednesday 27 to Friday 29 March 2013 at the Kigali Serena Hotel.

The main theme of the three-day Conference is: Regional Health Priorities and Opportunities: “Evidence for Action in the Changing Global Financial Situation. Prof. Khama Rogo, Lead Health Specialist, World Bank and Prof. Charles Mugone, Executive Director, European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) will deliver the keynote address at the event that will bring together at least 200 health researchers, scientists and policy-makers from all over the world.

The Conference has four sub-themes namely: Maternal and Child Health (Achieving the MDGs for Maternal and Child Health); Non-Communicable Diseases and Trauma; Health Systems Strengthening and Quality of Health Care.

Five symposiums are also planned, covering subjects that include population, HIV & AIDS, sexual and gender based violence, disaster preparedness and tobacco control.

“The EAC is cognizant of the need for joint collaboration in strengthening regional cooperation on health and specifically in the area of health research,” says EAC Secretary General Amb Dr. Richard Sezibera, who adds that the meeting will provide a platform to promote evidence-based health policy formulation.

The 4th Annual East African Health and Scientific Conference will be preceded by the 8th Joint Meeting of Health Professional Boards and Councils from 25 to 26 March 2013 and the 9th Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Sectoral Council on Health from 25 to 26 March 2013.

During the Conference the East African Community Open Health Initiative to Improve Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health will be officially launched. The Open Health Initiative, which the EAC Summit of Heads of State gave their stamp of approval last November, aims to support the EAC Partner States reach their goals for women’s and children’s health by focusing on three thematic areas: ‘Accountability for Results and Resources’, ‘Results-based Financing’, and ‘Innovation’.

The 4th EAC Health and Scientific Conference and International Trade Fair & Health Exhibition sponsors include: Rwanda Ministry of Health; USAID East Africa (Makerere University Regional Centre for Quality of Care); Population Council; EAC Secretariat; LVBC Secretariat; ECSA-HCS Secretariat; HEALTHY FUTURES Project and QWeCI Project; Sida; WHO and SACIDS.
The 4th EAC Health and Scientific Conference and International Trade Fair & Health Exhibition is convened in fulfillment of the resolutions of the EAC recommendations and other relevant Treaty provisions (Article 118) with regard to regional cooperation and integration in the health sector and the resolutions of the 12th Ordinary Session of the EAC Council of Ministers in 2006.

The EAC Health and Scientific conferences are convened by the EAC Secretariat and hosted on a rotational basis by the Partner States through their respective National Ministries responsible for Health,  National Academic and Health Research Institutions, National Health Professional Boards/Councils/Associations in close collaboration with other regional and international health-related non-governmental and civil society organizations, individual health care providers/practitioners/institutions and other stakeholders in both the private and public health sectors.

The 1st Annual East African Health and Scientific Conference was hosted by Uganda from 28 to 30 March 2007 in Kampala, Uganda. The conference incorporated an international health exhibition and trade fair.

The second edition of the conference was hosted by the United Republic of Tanzania from 26 to 28 March 2008 in Arusha, while the subsequent edition was hosted by Kenya from 25 to 27 March 2009 in Nairobi.