“One people, one destiny”

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chief Justice of Burundi officially opens EAC Bujumbura Sub-registry

The East African Court of Justice officially launched its last Sub-registry in Bujumbura, Burundi Friday 1 March 2013. The Chief Justice of the Republic of Burundi His Lordship Emmanuel Jenje, who was the Chief Guest, pledged that the Burundi judiciary and government will consistently support EACJ to raise its awareness to promote the integration agenda for mutual benefit of their people.

Hon. Jenje said that, Burundi judicially has always relentlessly offered cooperation to the East African Court of Justice and pointed out the two judges who serve at EACJ while serving at the National Court namely Hon Mr. Justice Laurent Nzosaba EACJ Appellate Division and Hon. 

Mr. Justice Jean Bosco Butasi who serves at the First Instance Division of the Court.” We have never hesitated to release them whenever the need for serving interests of the East African Court of Justice has rise” The Chief Justice asserted.

The Chief Justice expressed his great pleasure to officiate the important occasion of launching the East African Court of Justice Sub-Registry and called upon EACJ and other agencies and institution to sustain this cooperation which will embrace many areas of interest such as training programs for judge and judicial officers which will in particular administer Community laws as EAC Integration deepens.

His Lordship Jenje noted that the Sub-registry will help Burundians who wish to file cases with the East African Court to do so without the various challenges associated with filing cases in another country.  It will no longer just be hearing about ‘‘The Arusha Court’’,they will start actually seeing their “East African Community Court” among them.

The Minister in the Office of the Presidency in charge of EAC Affairs of the Republic of Burundi Hon. Leontine Nzeyimana commended the decision of the EAC Council of Ministers to allow the Court to open the Sub-registries in the Partner States. 

The Council of Ministers took this decision mindful of the fact that our Citizens today demand; that we deliver justice that they deserve; the one that is accessible, affordable, impartial and qualitative. The hope of the Council and the entire Community Is that these Sub-registries will contribute to the noble goals.” noted Hon. Nzeyimana noted.

 She added that the sub-registry will assist those who feel aggrieved by laws or decisions that seem to violate the East African Community Treaty and hence undermine the goals and objectives of integration, and who wish to have a determination of the EACJ and hopefully a remedial decision of the Court.

Hon. Nzeyimana underscored that to have Sub-registries within the Member States is even greater because the role of the regional Court is expanding in response to the Community becoming more People centered and market driven. The operationlization of Common Market Protocol will certainly create more demand of for Judicial Services within the Member States hence the Sub-registries shall cater to a bigger workload enabling the EACJ to function efficiently and effectively.

EACJ Judge President Hon. Harold Nsekela also informed the delegates that several milestones in the Court and development process were been achieved and the Court expect to see and realize more tangible benefits of the integration to our people in the coming years. He also told the Burundi residents that the Court has abolished the Court fees and it’s in the process of gazetting the rules.

Hon. Nsekela also reminded the natural and legal person who come to the Court under Article 30 of the Treaty to respect the time limitation of two months imposed for the aggrieved person have known the act.

The ceremony was witnessed among others the President of the Constitutional Court of Burundi, Hon. Lady Justice Christine Nzeyimana, Judges, and Members of EALA Burundi Chapter, Members of the Legal institutions, Media and other stake holders.

Chief Justice His Lordship Emmanuel Jenje (R) EACJ Judge President Hon. Mr. Harold Nsekela (C) and EACJ Deputy Registrar Ms. Geraldine Umugwaneza (L) open Sub-registry in Bujumbura Burundi.

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